No 'silver bullet' for science standards

America's K-12 teachers are not fully prepared to meet a new set of science standards, a Michigan State University education scholar argues in Science.

America's best teachers get creative

While U.S. educational policy emphasizes high-stakes testing and scripted lessons, the best teachers in the business are taking creative risks—often drawing from their own interests and hobbies—to help students learn, ...

Dressing up racism as a compliment just doesn't add up

The narrative that "Asians are good at math" is pervasive in the United States. Young children are aware of it. College students' academic performance can be affected by it. And Asian American presidential candidate Andrew ...

Teaching is complex: Don't try to simplify what teachers do

Prominent educator Stephen Dinham recently made some criticisms of primary teaching, some of which I support, but some were too simplistic. His views on educational research and his criticisms of "process" versus product ...

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