Related topics: tax

Study points to 'policy blueprint' for AI and machine-learning

At a time of rapidly changing industry, with potentially huge consequences for society, governments face a dilemma of how to incentivise entrepreneurship and innovation while at the same time ensuring that innovation benefits ...

Obama's tax plans raises high-tech hackles

(AP) -- President Barack Obama's plan to impose U.S. taxes on corporate America's overseas profits threatens to open a big crater in the financial statements of technology companies.

Panasonic to move UK headquarters on Brexit fears

Panasonic plans to move its European headquarters from Britain to the Netherlands later this year over concerns about potential tax issues related to Brexit, a company spokeswoman said Thursday.

Detroit auto show begins amid talk of NAFTA, tax cuts

The Detroit Auto Show shifted into full gear Sunday with international trade and tax cuts dominating the conversation, even as an optimistic industry raced to meet Americans' seemingly insatiable appetite for trucks and SUVs.

Wisconsin Poverty Report shows anti-poverty programs worked

The third Wisconsin Poverty Report released today (Wednesday, May 4), shows that expanded tax credits and food assistance programs helped shield the state's poorest residents from the worst effects of the recession.

Multinationals boost Ireland but jobs go unfilled

Many of the world's leading tech companies call Ireland home, providing a boost for the cash-strapped nation but huge employment opportunities are being missed as Ireland marks the end of its bailout on Sunday.

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