Bigger and brainier: did dingoes kill thylacines?

Direct attacks by introduced dingoes may have led to the extinction on the Australian mainland of the iconic marsupial predator, the thylacine, a new study suggests.

Southern sea levels rise drastically

( -- Sea levels have risen about 20cm in the South West Pacific since the late 19th century, a new scientific study shows.

Southern hemisphere to glimpse year's last solar eclipse

The tip of South Africa, Tasmania and most of New Zealand will -- weather permitting -- enjoy a partial eclipse of the Sun on Friday although the handful of hardy scientists in Antarctica will get the best view, according ...

Rare bettongs return to mainland

The rare eastern bettong (Bettongia gaimardi) has returned to the Australian mainland, after an absence of over 80 years.

Sympathy for the devils

Better than sympathy, now there's hope for the devil -- the Tasmanian devil, that is.

Chile volcano ash grounds Australia, NZ flights

Ash from Chile's volcanic eruptions prompted Australian airline Qantas to ground some domestic services and some flights to New Zealand on Sunday, after plumes drifted across the Pacific.

21 whales die, 11 saved in Australian beaching

Twenty-one long-finned pilot whales have died but 11 were saved after beaching themselves at Bruny Island, south of the Tasmanian state capital Hobart, conservation officials said on Friday.

30 whales stranded on Australian coast

A pod of around 30 pilot whales became stranded on Bruny Island, south of the Tasmanian state capital Hobart, on Thursday, wildlife authorities said.

Wastewater's Tasmanian Devil

In the months leading up to the summer, a question that I frequently heard was "Tasmania? You're going to spend your summer in Africa?" Another popular comment was "You realize it's winter down there, right?" Yes, I was fully ...

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