Why some employees resist delegation from their managers

Think about the last time your boss delegated a task to you. Did you perceive that request as a sign of strong leadership—or as your manager shirking responsibility? In the end, did you successfully complete the task, or ...

Pre-election polls in 2020 had the largest errors in 40 years

Public opinion polls ahead of the 2020 election were the most inaccurate in a generation, according to Josh Clinton, Abby and Jon Winkelried Chair and professor of political science, who recently served as chair of a special ...

New tool changes the game for heterogeneous material modeling

The performance and safety of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) can be attributed to complex electrode microstructures. Microstructure analysis at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) aims to apply in-depth knowledge ...

Elephants solve problems with personality

Just as humans have their own individual personalities, new research in the Journal of Comparative Psychology shows that elephants have personalities, too. Moreover, an elephant's personality may play an important role in ...

Puppies are wired to communicate with people, study shows

Dogs may have earned the title "man's best friend" because of how good they are at interacting with people. Those social skills may be present shortly after birth rather than learned, a new study by University of Arizona ...

How teachers can use video games to motivate students

If you ask your teens to do their homework they'll find a thousand other things to do. But put them in front of a video game, and they'll focus on it for hours. How exactly do game designers create this kind of engagement? ...

New nanoscale device for spin technology

Researchers at Aalto University have developed a new device for spintronics. The results have been published in the journal Nature Communications, and mark a step towards the goal of using spintronics to make computer chips ...

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