How the kilogram has put on weight

Using a state-of-the-art Theta-probe XPS machine experts at Newcastle University, UK, have shown the original kilogram is likely to be tens of micrograms heavier than it was when the first standard was set in 1875. And they ...

Supramolecules spin promises for future

(—Microscopic particles that can be made to switch their magnetic state could mean computers of the future will be able to store much more data in much less space. 

Osmosis in colloidal suspensions

( -- It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of colloidal suspensions. Besides being an integral part of our everyday life (food, cosmetics, drugs), they also serve as an excellent model system for ...

Researchers get a grip on nervous system's receptors

A digital signal processing technique long used by statisticians to analyze data is helping Houston scientists understand the roots of memory and learning, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and stroke.

YouTube touches up mobile video for touch screens

(AP) -- YouTube has upgraded its mobile website to make it more convenient and appealing to watch videos on touch-screen devices such as Apple Inc.'s iPhone and Motorola Inc.'s Droid X.

RXTE Homes in on a Black Hole's Jets

( -- For decades, X-ray astronomers have studied the complex behavior of binary systems pairing a normal star with a black hole. In these systems, gas from the normal star streams toward the black hole and forms ...

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