EU Commissioner calls for new tools for bloggers

(AP) -- The European Union should help teach bloggers living under oppressive regimes how to communicate freely and avoid detection, and develop technology to help them, the bloc's digital affairs commissioner said Friday.

Digital architecture can help rebuild ancient Syrian cities

Situated at the crossroads of the Orient and the Occident, for a long time Syria was one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world. It boasted a rich history, looked to a bright future, and was considered ...

Is climate change fuelling war?

For years, scientists and security analysts have warned that global warming looms as a potential source of war and unrest.

Signs Syria may be lifting Facebook, YouTube ban

(AP) -- Internet users in Syria said Tuesday that Facebook and YouTube were available for the first time in three years amid signs Damascus may be lifting its ban on the popular social networking websites.

Dismantling Syria's chemical weapons in the midst of war

Syria no longer has the capacity to produce new chemical weapons en masse, but arms control experts caution that what remains is the more difficult job of destroying the existing stockpile in the midst of the country's brutal ...

Hackers shut down Salvadoran ministry websites

Online "hacktivist" group Anonymous has attacked the websites of El Salvador's presidency and government ministries, forcing several to be shut down, officials said Sunday.

Apparent pro-Syria group hacks Harvard website

(AP) -- Hackers have briefly defaced Harvard University's website, replacing the home page with an image of Syria's President Bashar Assad together with a message accusing the U.S. of supporting the uprising against him ...

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