Scientists identify top conservation threats and opportunities

Governments being forced to choose between preventing climate change or averting a financial crisis, carbon solar cells as an alternative source of energy and accelerated loss of rhinos and elephants are among 15 conservation ...

Synthetic polymer could stop the spread of HIV

A precisely designed macromolecule that mimics the binding of HIV to immune system cells could be used to stop the virus from physically entering the body, according to a new study led by a materials scientist at Queen Mary ...

Phosphorus: Essential to lifeā€”Are we running out?

Phosphorus, the 11th most common element on earth, is fundamental to all living things. It is essential for the creation of DNA, cell membranes, and for bone and teeth formation in humans. It is vital for food production ...

Super gel stiffens when heated

It stiffens when heated and retains moisture a hundred times better than other gels. Chemists at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, have created a gel made from helical polymers. The molecules twist together to ...

Turning DNA into a hard drive

Silicon-based computers are fine for typing term papers and surfing the Web, but scientists want to make devices that can work on a far smaller scale, recording data within individual cells. One way to do that is to create ...

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