On-demand X-rays at synchrotron light sources

Consumers are now in the era of "on-demand" entertainment, in which they have access to the books, music and movies they want thanks to the internet. Likewise, scientists who use synchrotron light sources are welcoming an ...

SESAME passes an important milestone at CERN

The SESAME project has reached an important milestone: the first complete cell of this accelerator for the Middle East has been assembled and successfully tested at CERN.

Nanostructure complex materials modeling  

Materials with chemical, optical, and electronic properties driven by structures measuring billionths of a meter could lead to improved energy technologies—from more efficient solar cells to longer-lasting energy-dense ...

Electrochemical 'fingers' unlock battery's inner potential

Lithium-ion batteries unleash electricity as electrochemical reactions spread through active materials. Manipulating this complex process and driving the reactions into the energy-rich heart of each part of these active materials ...

New clues about a brain protein with high affinity for Valium

Valium, one of the best known antianxiety drugs, produces its calming effects by binding with a particular protein in the brain. But the drug has an almost equally strong affinity for a completely different protein. Understanding ...

A step toward reduced nitrogen-oxide emissions in vehicles

Stricter environmental regulations enacted in the last few years are putting a squeeze on emissions from car engines, including nitrogen oxide. While modern "lean-burn" gasoline and diesel vehicles use less fuel, they also ...

Shortcut to protein portraits

All living organisms, from bacteria to humans, rely on proteins to perform their vital functions. How these proteins accomplish their tasks depends on their structure. Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute have now ...

National Synchrotron Light Source II achieves 'first light'

The brightest synchrotron light source in the world has delivered its first x-ray beams. The National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) at Brookhaven Lab achieved "first light" on October 23, 2014, when operators opened ...

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