Chimpanzees use botanical skills to discover fruit

( —Fruit-eating animals are known to use their spatial memory to relocate fruit, yet, it is unclear how they manage to find fruit in the first place. Researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology ...

Synchronizing food production can have disastrous effects

Crop failures are an important cause of food price spikes, conflict and food insecurity. The likelihood of local crop failures being catastrophic at the global level is exacerbated when they happen at the same time —that ...

What drives biological synchrony?

Ecologists traditionally attribute population explosions, be they of diseases or animals, to broad environmental conditions. But new data suggest that other factors may drive "synchrony": rapid, widespread rises and falls ...

The broken symphony of swinging metronomes

An experiment with 30 metronomes reveals chimera states which combine aspects of synchrony and of disorder. Researchers had been looking for such states for ten years.

Primates too can move in unison

Japanese researchers show for the first time that primates modify their body movements to be in tune with others, just like humans do. Humans unconsciously modify their movements to be in synchrony with their peers. For example, ...

Rhesus monkeys cannot hear beat in music

(—Beat induction, the ability to pick up regularity – the beat – from a varying rhythm, is not an ability that rhesus monkeys possess. These are the findings of researchers from the University of Amsterdam ...

Pilot whales use synchronised swimming when they sense danger

An international team of scientists have observed the behaviour of various groups of cetaceans in the Strait of Gibraltar and Cape Breton in Canada belonging to the Globicephala melas species, which are also known as long-finned ...

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