Some urban commuters have no choice but to take their car

An EPFL study shows that suburban commuters do not necessarily take environmental concerns into account when deciding whether to use their car. Many car commuters—especially those with hectic schedules—feel they have ...

The evolution of language? There's an app for that

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany have just launched the Color Game, an app designed to provide a new way to study language evolution. The game asks players to communicate ...

How a farm boy from Wales gave the world pi

One of the most important numbers in maths might today be named after the Greek letter π or "pi", but the convention of representing it this way actually doesn't come from Greece at all. It comes from the pen of an 18th ...

New analysis contradicts findings published in Science

New research published in the June 2014 issue of Language presents evidence that the methods employed by the authors of articles published in prestigious international science journals are not supported by a more rigorous ...

China discovers primitive, 5,000-year-old writing

Archaeologists say they have discovered a new form of primitive writing in markings on stoneware excavated from a relic site in eastern China dating about 5,000 years back. The inscriptions are about 1,400 years older than ...

Crows are capable of distinguishing symbols, study finds

( -- A new study published in Animal Behavior shows that crows are capable of recognizing symbols designed to represent different quantities and is one of many different studies currently looking at the behavior ...

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