Related topics: novartis

Solar plane to make second Morocco flight bid Thursday

Solar Impulse, the solar-powered aircraft that last week was forced to abandon a bid to fly across the Moroccan desert, will make a second attempt, said a member of the project team Wednesday.

A way to reduce the Internet's energy drain

( -- Swiss researchers at EPFL have developed a device intended for monitoring and saving the energy consumed by large data centers. It was developed in collaboration with Credit Suisse, which has used it to equip ...

Texting made possible for the illiterate

People incapable of reading and writing will have access to text messages from now on. A system using vocal synthesis, icons and contact management allows people to send and read text messages by those normally unable to ...

Swiss scientists demonstrate mind-controlled robot (Update)

(AP) -- Swiss scientists have demonstrated how a partially paralyzed person can control a robot by thought alone, a step they hope will one day allow immobile people to interact with their surroundings through so-called ...

Lithuanian central bank hit by cyber-attack

Lithuania's central bank said Friday it had been hit by a cyber-attack, but had eventually overcome the assault on its website and other online services.

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