Swiss watchmakers keep cool in wait for Apple smartwatch

Swiss watchmakers are warily eyeing Apple's reported progress towards creating a "smartwatch", but say they are not too worried about the tech goliath's likely incursion into their traditional turf.

Swiss warn massive ice chunk may break off glacier

A massive part of a glacier the size of 12 football fields in the Swiss Alps could break off, local authorities warned, after the discovery of an enormous crevasse in the glacier.

Climate change sees Swiss Alps add over 1,000 lakes: study

Climate change has dramatically altered the Swiss Alp landscape—at a quicker pace than expected—as melting glaciers have created more than 1,000 new lakes across in the mountains, a study published Monday showed.

Climate poses 'high risk' for Europe's ski resorts

At current rates of greenhouse gas emissions, which would see Earth's surface warm nearly three degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, 90 percent of Europe's ski resorts will eventually face critical shortages of natural ...

Geotextiles could slow glacial melt, but at what cost?

In the Swiss Alps, some ski resorts and glacial tourist attractions are using reflective blankets known as geotextiles to protect parts of glaciers from accelerated summer melt caused by global warming. These businesses' ...

Meltdown: 2023 looking grim for Swiss glaciers

This year is already shaping up to be another bad one for glaciers in the Swiss Alps, with the snowpack covering them around 30 percent below the 10-year average, according to the scientist tracking their decline.

Caves indicate that Australia's mountains are still growing

Australia has often been unfairly portrayed as an old and idle continent with little geological activity, but new research suggests that we remain geologically active and that some of our mountains are still growing.

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