Fermi and Swift see 'shockingly bright' burst

A record-setting blast of gamma rays from a dying star in a distant galaxy has wowed astronomers around the world. The eruption, which is classified as a gamma-ray burst, or GRB, and designated GRB 130427A, produced the highest-energy ...

Black hole wakes up and has a light snack

(Phys.org) —Astronomers have watched as a black hole woke up from a decades-long slumber to feed on a low-mass object – either a brown dwarf or a giant planet – that strayed too close. A similar feeding event, albeit ...

Swift satellite sizes up comet ISON (w/ video)

(Phys.org) —Astronomers from the University of Maryland at College Park (UMCP) and Lowell Observatory have used NASA's Swift satellite to check out comet C/2012 S1 (ISON), which may become one of the most dazzling in decades ...

Student helps investigate a stellar 'crime scene'

(Phys.org) —An undergraduate astronomy student at the University of Sydney is proud to have played her part in investigating NASA's discovery of the remains of a shattered star.

Swift, Chandra explore a youthful 'star wreck'

(Phys.org) —While performing an extensive X-ray survey of our galaxy's central regions, NASA's Swift satellite has uncovered the previously unknown remains of a shattered star. Designated G306.3.9 after the coordinates ...

An image gallery gift from Swift satellite

(Phys.org)—Of the three telescopes carried by NASA's Swift satellite, only one captures cosmic light at energies similar to those seen by the human eye. Although small by the standards of ground-based observatories, Swift's ...

Satire is shaping the next generation of american citizens

(Phys.org)—Satire has always played an important role in democracy, but acurrent group of television satirists are more influential than ever with American citizens, particularly younger ones, according to a Penn State ...

Common physics among black holes

(Phys.org)—Black holes range from modest objects formed when individual stars end their lives to behemoths billions of times more massive that rule the centers of galaxies. A new study using data from NASA's Swift satellite ...

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