Hanging out with bats to discover the secrets of their biology

By turns admired and reviled, bats are one of the most mysterious mammals alive. Their nocturnal habits and unique adaptations mean that bat biology still holds many secrets. It is possible that bats may hold the key to understanding ...

Microbes in flower nectar affect pollination

Dipping its beak into the sweet nectar of a flower, a hummingbird is doing more than getting a meal – it's contributing to a microbial community that could potentially determine the fate of that flower. Recognizing that ...

Nicotine enhances bees' activity

Nicotine-laced nectar can speed up a bumblebee's ability to learn flower colours, according to scientists at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).

Device targets mosquitoes with deadly nectar

(AP) -- The ProVector Bt may not look too much like a real flower, but the artificial device sports bright, finely tuned colors and sweet nectar that can lure and kill mosquitoes that potentially carry diseases.