All words from all languages in one dictionary

The universal online dictionary Kamusi has just added 1.2 million terms from several databases in its quest to translate all the meanings of every word in all the world's languages. Three African languages and 200,000 words ...

ICANN offers refunds to domain name applicants

(AP) -- The organization behind a major expansion of Internet address suffixes is offering full refunds to companies and organizations affected by a weeks-long delay in taking proposals.

Modern fish communities live fast and die young

Fish communities in the 21st Century live fast and die young. That's the main finding of a recent study by researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society who compared fish recently caught in coastal Kenya with the bones ...

The story of how Swahili became Africa's most spoken language

Once just an obscure island dialect of an African Bantu tongue, Swahili has evolved into Africa's most internationally recognized language. It is peer to the few languages of the world that boast over 200 million users.

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