Digital damage: Is your online life polluting the planet?

Choosing digital meetings, shopping and even exercise classes over their in-person alternatives can substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions by avoiding transport-related pollution, but the environmental impact of our ...

Turning plastic grocery bags into sustainable fuel

More than 300 million tons of plastic waste are produced annually, which causes serious environmental issues because of plastic's life cycle and the difficulty of eliminating it.

Turning tree residue into smart hydrogels

NC State researchers are turning wood byproducts into sensory hydrogels that can react to different stimuli and, through advanced manufacturing methods, are made into sustainable, biodegradable smart materials that can be ...

Research offers path to end world hunger within decade

The world's small-scale farmers now can see a path to solving global hunger over the next decade, with solutions—such as adopting climate-resilient crops through improving extension services—all culled rapidly via artificial ...

Ancient enzymes can contribute to greener chemistry

A research team at Uppsala University has resurrected several-billion-year-old enzymes and reprogrammed them to catalyze completely different chemical reactions than their modern versions can manage. The method can be used ...

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