Star Trek's formula for sustainable urban innovation

On the long-running television series Star Trek, the characters were knowledge workers and did not seem to worry about food, lodging or acceptance. Theirs was an inclusive society, one that collaboratively practised sustainable ...

The battle for the future of farming: What you need to know

It is widely agreed that today's global agriculture system is a social and environmental failure. Business as usual is no longer an option: biodiversity loss and nitrogen pollution are exceeding planetary limits, and catastrophic ...

Businesses stand to benefit from sustainable restructuring

The Earth is populated by an increasing number of people who demand more and more products, which is simply not viable in the long run. Our planet does not have unlimited resources. Emissions are harming the environment ...

Sustainable business innovation adds firms' market value

Sustainable business innovation is good business; researchers from Aalto University, Finland have proved. The researchers tested how sustainability business innovations and the market value of companies in the construction ...

Uncovering the past: Researchers create 3D images of fossils

Idaho National Laboratory is perhaps best known for innovative research that helps shape the clean energy economies of today and tomorrow—and for good reason. But while much of the laboratory's work is focused on building ...

The bioeconomy: Delivering sustainable green growth?

A recently published book from Italian academic Davide Viaggi of Bologna University takes an in depth look at the bioeconomy from an economic and policy perspective – as well as identifying key issues ahead.

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