Rural resilience rests on a green recovery

The coronavirus pandemic has sent shockwaves across the world's economy, and policymakers have so far responded with a focus on financial stability. But food system experts fear this will keep rural communities on a 'business-as-usual' ...

Irrigation expansion could feed 800 million more people

Water scarcity, a socio-environmental threat to anthropogenic activities and ecosystems alike, affects large regions of the globe. However, it is often the most vulnerable and disadvantaged populations that suffer the severest ...

Unsustainable food systems: Can we reverse current trends?

As rural masses migrate to urban areas, populations grow, and people work toward better living standards, global food system sustainability is jeopardized, according to a new analysis spanning low- to high-income countries. ...

Saving the world with fish fingers

Smothered in ketchup or squished into a sandwich, there's one tasty convenience food that's hard to resist. With over 1.5 million of them eaten every day in Britain, fish fingers are one of the nation's favorite foods. Now ...

Improved yields in African project areas

Only two years in, InnovAfrica-farmers practicing diverse maize-legume and Brachiaria grass production are experiencing increased yields.

Focus on food would help solve climate change, says study

A paper released today by the journal Nature Food presents a new global food system approach to climate-change research that brings together agricultural production, supply chains and consumption. When these activities are ...

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