Hydropower completes greening of Norway

The Norwegian energy supply can be sustainable by 2030, according to new research. Politicians simply have to keep their promises.

Food system sustainability requires lower energy use

Modern sustainability practices often encourage resource and energy efficiencies across separate sectors, such as food production or biofuels, but this siloed approach could actually lead to ongoing environmental decay, according ...

School children could lead the way on sustainability

Many children are not only passionate about environmental issues, but more than capable of driving forward sustainability initiatives, argues new research into the role of schools in developing more sustainable communities. ...

What's cooking? The UK's potential food crisis

The Sustainable Consumption Institute research claims food which families now take for granted, such as meat and fresh vegetables, could become too expensive for many if global temperatures rise in line with the current trends ...

EStar Award recognizes innovative supercomputer cooling

An innovative, energy-saving approach to cooling Argonne's Blue Gene/P supercomputer was recognized with an Environmental Sustainability (EStar) award from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Science.

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