Related topics: patients · tumor · cancer

Study: Brain evolution is linked to competition

In response to a high-competition environment, Trinidadian killifish evolve larger brains, increasing their fitness and survival rates, according to a new study in Ecology Letters by biologists at The University of Texas ...

Scientists study seedling survival in post-wildfire landscape

A team of scientists at The University of New Mexico is experimenting and learning about reforestation and the challenges presented by several environmental factors in the semi-arid southwestern United States where planted ...

Biologists identify broad coral disease resistance traits

A new study in Science Advances led by researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington provides a novel framework for identifying broad coral disease resistance traits and examines the fundamental processes behind species ...

Study shows how turtles have fared a decade after oil spill

Twelve years after an oil spill coated nearly 35 miles of the Kalamazoo River, new research at The University of Toledo confirms that turtles rehabilitated in the aftermath of the disaster had high long-term survival rates.

A window into the fruit fly's nervous system

Scientists at EPFL have developed an implantation technique that allows unprecedented optical access to the "spinal cord" of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. This work can potentially lead to breakthroughs in the fields ...

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