Study identifies religious bias against refugees

Give me your Christian, your female, your English-speaking with a good education? While not the words on the Statue of Liberty, these seem to be the kinds of refugees that the American public prefers—according to a new ...

Multiple flood events erode neighborhood spirit, study finds

A Rice University study examining the social and political reactions of people in post-Hurricane Harvey Houston found that while first-time flood victims may still feel strong ties to their neighborhoods, this emotional attachment ...

Passwords serve a personal purpose

A Victoria University of Wellington study has shown that people build their passwords from personal information for a variety of reasons including to invoke important memories or achieve future goals.

US teens love apps, not tracking

American teenagers love their smartphone apps, but many are avoiding them, due to fears about privacy and location tracking.

Resilience in the wake of Superstorm Sandy

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research has released results of a major survey exploring resilience of people and neighborhoods directly affected by Superstorm Sandy.

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