SMOS meets ocean monsters

ESA's SMOS and two other satellites are together providing insight into how surface winds evolve under tropical storm clouds in the Pacific Ocean. This new information could to help predict extreme weather at sea.

NASA sees Soudelor reach category 5 typhoon status

NASA's Aqua satellite and RapidScat instrument analyzed Super typhoon Soudelor's extent and winds as it reached Category Five typhoon status on the Saffir-Simpson Wind Scale.

Image: Serene Saturn

From a distance Saturn seems to exude an aura of serenity and peace.

ISS-RapidScat wind data proving valuable for tropical cyclones

The ISS-RapidScat instrument has been in orbit seven months, and forecasters are already finding this new eye-in-the-sky helpful as they keep watch on major storms around the globe. RapidScat measures Earth's ocean surface ...

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