Unique nanostructure produces novel 'plasmonic halos'

Using the geometric and material properties of a unique nanostructure, Boston College researchers have uncovered a novel photonic effect where surface plasmons interact with light to form "plasmonic halos" of selectable output ...

Using single quantum dots to probe nanowires

Modern telecommunications happens because of fast electrons and fast photons. Can it get better? Can Moore's law—the doubling of computing power ever 18 months or so—be sustained? Can the compactness (nm-scale components) ...

New research brings light to star mystery

(Phys.org)—Scientists at Northumbria University have begun to unlock the mystery of why the outer edge of the Sun is much hotter than its surface for the first time.

Tropical cyclone waves detected with infrasound sensor array

The strong winds of a tropical cyclone whip up the sea surface, driving ocean waves a dozen meters (about 40 feet) high. When one such ocean wave runs into another wave that has an equal period but is traveling in the opposite ...

Metal surface can repel electric charges

(Phys.org)—Metals are known for being good electrical conductors. Due to this property, a stationary electric point charge placed outside a metal will cause the electrons in the metal to redistribute in such a way that ...

Invisibility cloaking to shield floating objects from waves

A new approach to invisibility cloaking may one day be used at sea to shield floating objects – such as oil rigs and ships – from rough waves. Unlike most other cloaking techniques that rely on transformation optics, ...

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