Better forecasts for sea ice under climate change

University of Adelaide-led research will help pinpoint the impact of waves on sea ice, which is vulnerable to climate change, particularly in the Arctic where it is rapidly retreating.

Engineers efficiently 'mix' light at the nanoscale

The race to make computer components smaller and faster and use less power is pushing the limits of the properties of electrons in a material. Photonic systems could eventually replace electronic ones, but the fundamentals ...

Tracking the breakup of Arctic summer sea ice

As sea ice begins to melt back toward its late September minimum, it is being watched as never before. Scientists have put sensors on and under ice in the Beaufort Sea for an unprecedented campaign to monitor the summer melt.

Manipulating and detecting ultrahigh frequency sound waves

An advance has been achieved towards next generation ultrasonic imaging with potentially 1,000 times higher resolution than today's medical ultrasounds. Researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Lawrence Berkeley ...

Will the 2014 El Nino be like 1997?

Every ten days, the NASA/French Space Agency Jason-2 satellite maps all the world's oceans, monitoring changes in sea surface height, a measure of heat in the upper layers of the water. Because our planet is more than 70% ...

Dancing beads on surface waves cluster in surprising ways

( —FOM researchers have discovered that objects floating on surface waves behave differently than expected. If a small number of floating objects is present on a water surface, these will drift to the locations ...

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