Unexpected ice-formation mechanism

(PhysOrg.com) -- Extremely hydrophobic materials cause water to roll right off objects that have been coated with them. Up to now, it was assumed that aircraft or wind turbines coated in such a way did not ice up as easily. ...

NASA mission aims to study ice and water on the moon's surface

In the fall of 2023, a U.S. rover will land at the south pole of the moon. Its mission: to explore the water ice that scientists know lurks within the lunar shadows, and which they believe could help sustain humans who may ...

Melting Antarctic could impact oceans 'for centuries'

Rapidly melting Antarctic ice threatens to dramatically slow deep-water currents in the world's oceans, scientists say, impacting the spread of fresh water, oxygen and life-sustaining nutrients for centuries.

Can a new type of glacier on Mars aid future astronauts?

On April 21, 1908, near Earth's North Pole, the Arctic explorer Frederick Albert Cook scrawled in his diary a memorable phrase: "We were the only pulsating creatures in a dead world of ice." These words may soon take on new ...

Scientists Discover Pentagonal Ice

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists at the University of Liverpool have discovered a five-sided ice chain structure that could be used to modify future weather patterns.

Triton: A subsurface ocean?

Neptune's largest moon Triton is most likely a captured Kuiper Belt Object. The capture of icy Triton and the subsequent taming of its orbit likely led to the formation of a subsurface ocean through tidal heating. New research ...

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