New Ice Age maps point to climate change patterns

( -- New climate maps of the Earth’s surface during the height of the last Ice Age support predictions that northern Australia will become wetter and southern Australia drier due to climate change.

Understanding climate tipping points

As the planet warms, many parts of the Earth system are undergoing large-scale changes. Ice sheets are shrinking, sea levels are rising and coral reefs are dying off.

Europa clipper could help discover if Jupiter's moon is habitable

Since 1979, when the Voyager probes flew past Jupiter and its system of moons, scientists have speculated about the possibility of life within Europa. Based on planetary modeling, Europa is believed to be differentiated between ...

JWST takes a detailed look at Jupiter's moon Ganymede

Nature doesn't conform to our ideas of neatly-contained categories. Many things in nature blur the lines we try to draw around them. That's true of Jupiter's moon Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system

An unusual crater on Pluto might be a supervolcano

Pluto with a super-cryovolcano? Why not! All the elements are there, just not in the way we normally think of volcanoes. And cryovolcanoes are the reason why Pluto's surface looks the way it does. A recent research paper ...

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