Research brings unbreakable phones one step closer

Breakthrough research at RMIT University is advancing transparent bendable electronics, bringing science fiction gadgets – such as unbreakable rubber-like phones, rollable tablets and even functional clothing – closer ...

Smart materials: Fused liquid marbles show their strength

'Liquid marbles' are a peculiar new substance made by rolling water droplets into powders incapable of dissolving in water. The resulting micro- and nanoscale-particles act like soft solids, and can speed along surfaces without ...

Microfluidic devices move from application to fundamental science

( —Just a few drops of liquid or a bit more is run past specialized sensors in microfluidic devices to detect chemicals of concern to doctors and security personnel. However, these devices are now being reinvented ...

Plasmonics: Growth lamps for nanoparticles

Just as gardeners can use 'growth lamps' to stimulate plant growth, materials scientists can now promote uniform growth of decahedron-shaped silver nanoparticles while they are in solution. These 10-faced solids, only tens ...

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