Finding undetonated bombs on the sea floor

(—CSIRO has developed a sensor to detect undetonated explosives on the sea floor. It is based on technology used to find mineral deposits underground.

Formula unlocks secrets of cauliflower's geometry

The laws that govern how intricate surface patterns, such as those found in the cauliflower, develop over time have been described, for the first time, by a group of European researchers.

New processes for cost-efficient solar cell production

Many people answer with a resounding "yes!" when asked if they want environmentally-friendly solar cell-based power – though it should be inexpensive. For this reason, a veritable price war is raging among the makers of ...

Graphene is thinnest known anti-corrosion coating

New research has established the "miracle material" called graphene as the world's thinnest known coating for protecting metals against corrosion. Their study on this potential new use of graphene appears in ACS Nano.

Space scientists set for final spacecraft flyby of Mercury

NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft, which is toting an $8.7 million University of Colorado at Boulder instrument, will make its third and final flyby of Mercury on Sept. 29 -- a clever gravity-assist maneuver that will steer it ...

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