Venus' ancient layered, folded rocks point to volcanic origin

An international team of researchers has found that some of the oldest terrain on Venus, known as tesserae, have layering that seems consistent with volcanic activity. The finding could provide insights into the enigmatic ...

Meteorite may represent 'bulk background' of Mars' battered crust

NWA 7034, a meteorite found a few years ago in the Moroccan desert, is like no other rock ever found on Earth. It's been shown to be a 4.4 billion-year-old chunk of the Martian crust, and according to a new analysis, rocks ...

Surface waves help map the interior of Mars

Researchers have observed seismic waves propagating along the surface of a planet other than Earth for the first time. The marsquakes that resulted from two large meteorites that hit Mars were recorded by NASA's InSight lander ...

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