The protective role of cells in overwintering fungi

Scientists have discovered a new role for cells that are known to nurture the overwintering reproductive structures in a type of fungi, according to a study published today in eLife.

How cells in the developing ear 'practice' hearing

Before the fluid of the middle ear drains and sound waves penetrate for the first time, the inner ear cells of newborn rodents practice for their big debut. Researchers at Johns Hopkins report they have figured out the molecular ...

Image: BioRock and roll

This fluorescent work of art captures the beauty of biofilms, or the growth of microbes on rocks. In this microscopic image, Sphingomonas desiccabilis is growing on basalt.

Cheaper Chinese solar panels are not due to low-cost labor

A study of the photovoltaic industries in the US and China shows that China's dominance in solar panel manufacturing is not driven solely by cheaper labour and government support, but by larger-scale manufacturing and resulting ...

Japan stem cell Nobel laureate to get research boost

Japan's Nobel prize-winning Shinya Yamanaka will likely get up to 30 billion yen ($383 million) for his stem cell research over the next decade, an official said Wednesday.

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