Ocean organism could be key to animal-free meat

A fungus-like microbe taken from the pristine waters of South Australia could prove to be a vital ingredient in making everything from nutritional supplements, medicines and biofuels to animal-free meat, according to Flinders ...

Pass the lycopene: Scientist can protect supplements inside food

(PhysOrg.com) -- A Purdue University food scientist has developed a way to encase nutritional supplements in food-based products so that one day consumers might be able to sprinkle vitamins, antioxidants and other beneficial ...

Beaming solar energy to algae

Flasks bubble with red- and green-colored concoctions. Across the building, an engineer fiddles with glass rods and flickering fluorescent lights.

Mass spectrometry for general use

Customs officials want to detect contraband. Doctors want to know how quickly a patient is metabolizing a therapeutic drug. And suppliers of organic products, from nutritional supplements to honey, want to know their raw ...

Weightless on Earth: Preparing astronauts for microgravity

During missions on the International Space Station, astronauts' bodies go through a wide array of changes due to lack of gravity—everything from vision to cardiovascular health to bone density is affected.

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