Norway keeps whaling quota unchanged for 2014

Norway maintained on Tuesday its quota of previous years to hunt up to 1,286 whales in its waters in 2014, despite whalers repeatedly catching less than the limit.

Why plastic bag bans triggered such a huge reaction

Woolworths' and Coles' bans on plastic bags have been applauded by environmental groups, but were reportedly met with abuse and assault and claims of profiteering. Even comedians saw value in the theatre of the bag ban.

Urban poor plagued by 'burdens of place'

Most of America's urban cores were designed for walking but offer little in the way of supermarkets, healthy restaurants and other amenities for residents to walk to, according to a study led by a Michigan State University ...

Researchers test green shopping scheme

( -- Experts at The University of Manchester are to assess if ride-sharing could be a key weapon in the fight to make shopping more environmentally friendly.

Praise for Australian 'social supermarket' model

A new model of "social supermarket" providing affordable food and social supports for people experiencing financial stress in South Australia should be expanded, experts say.

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