Dinosaur extinction grounded ancient birds

(PhysOrg.com) -- An abundance of food and lack of predators following the extinction of dinosaurs saw previously flighted birds fatten up and become flightless, according to new research from The Australian National University.

Simulating 195 million years of global climate in the Mesozoic

The Mesozoic, which stretched from about 252 million to 66 million years ago, was a pivotal period in Earth's history. In addition to being the age of the dinosaurs, it was when the supercontinent Pangaea began to separate ...

What drives plate tectonics?

Plate tectonics was founded in the late 1960s, and it concerns the distribution and movements of plates, the uppermost layer of the Earth. Plate movements not only control the distributions of earthquakes, volcanoes, and ...

Paleomagnetists put controversy to rest

(PhysOrg.com) -- Princeton University scientists have shown that, in ancient times, the Earth's magnetic field was structured like the two-pole model of today, suggesting that the methods geoscientists use to reconstruct ...

In the footsteps of dinosaurs

(PhysOrg.com) -- A geosciences grad student is piecing together evidence about dinosaurs from fossilized footprints.

Dating sheds new light on dawn of the dinosaurs

Careful dating of new dinosaur fossils and volcanic ash around them by researchers from UC Davis and UC Berkeley casts doubt on the idea that dinosaurs appeared and opportunistically replaced other animals. Instead -- at ...

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