'Jaguar' supercomputer gaining speed

Cray Inc. said it has sealed a deal to overhaul the US Department of Energy's "Jaguar" supercomputer, making it faster than any other machine on the planet.

UF leads world in reconfigurable supercomputing

University of Florida researchers say their supercomputer, named Novo-G, is the world's fastest reconfigurable supercomputer and is able to perform some important science applications faster than the Chinese supercomputer ...

NASA Supercomputer Doubles Capability, Increases Efficiency

(PhysOrg.com) -- Pleiades, NASA’s supercomputing powerhouse, located at Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., placed sixth on the Top500 list of the world's most powerful, high-performance computers. The announcement ...

New supercomputer seen as big boost for science, Wyoming

One of the world's fastest supercomputers is helping scientists better understand the sun's behavior and predict weather months in advance but also got touted Tuesday as an important tool for diversifying Wyoming's economy, ...

Smallest Dutch supercomputer

A team of Dutch scientists has built a supercomputer the size of four pizza boxes. The Little Green Machine II has the computing power of 10,000 PCs and will be used by researchers in oceanography, computer science, artificial ...

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