Where has our summer gone and will it come back?

Back in September last year, the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) declared an El Niño and after three soggy years of La Niña conditions, many Australians started thinking about barbeques and beach days during a long, hot summer.

New England stone walls deserve a science of their own

The abandoned fieldstone walls of New England are every bit as iconic to the region as lobster pots, town greens, sap buckets and fall foliage. They seem to be everywhere—a latticework of dry, lichen-crusted stone ridges ...

Apple preharvest drop not linked to xylem functionality

Heat stress induces and accelerates leaf senescence, which is characterized by a loss of chlorophyll and cellular membrane deterioration, as well as oxidative damage). Leaf senescence can be exacerbated by the hormone ethylene, ...

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