ChemCam sheds new light on Yellowknife Bay

New results from the Chemistry & Camera (ChemCam) instrument on NASA's Curiosity rover provide further details about the ancient environment of Yellowknife Bay on Mars. Using data from ChemCam, as well as images from Mastcam ...

Using tree tannins to target manure odor

Tannins from the quebracho tree can control the production of compounds that cause manure odors, according to studies by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists. This research may someday give livestock farmers options ...

Ganymede may harbor 'club sandwich' of oceans and ice

( —The largest moon in our solar system, a companion to Jupiter named Ganymede, might have ice and oceans stacked up in several layers like a club sandwich, according to new NASA-funded research that models the ...

An experiment recreates the crust of the moon Europa

Water, salts and gases dissolved in the huge ocean that scientists believe could exist below Europa´s icy crust can rise to the surface generating the enigmatic geological formations associated to red-tinged materials that ...

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