Uber's ousted CEO calls investor lawsuit unfounded

Uber's ousted chief executive and company founder Travis Kalanick is asking for the dismissal of an investor lawsuit against him, calling it part of a personal attack aimed at sidelining him.

New suit can enhance athletes' performance with data

When it comes to professional athletics, every little bit counts, and for centuries, athletes have been doing everything they can to get ahead. From legal means like hiring the best trainers and purchasing the best equipment, ...

Self-ventilating workout suit keeps athletes cool and dry

A team of MIT researchers has designed a breathable workout suit with ventilating flaps that open and close in response to an athlete's body heat and sweat. These flaps, which range from thumbnail- to finger-sized, are lined ...

British inventor takes flight in 'Iron Man' suit

British inventor Richard Browning lifted off from the shore of Vancouver Harbor on Thursday in a personal flight suit that inspired references to comic superhero 'Iron Man.'

Qualcomm to refund BlackBerry $815 mn in royalties

US mobile chip giant Qualcomm is to refund BlackBerry $814.9 million in royalties overpaid by the Canadian company, according to a tentative arbitration award announced on Wednesday.

Taking the heat: Navy tests new submarine steam suits

Machinist's Mate 1st Class Nathan Lindner was testing the newest suit designed to protect Sailors from steam leaks on nuclear-powered submarines. He pulled on thick gloves and boots, and donned a face shield for a self-contained ...

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