Apple chief meets officials in China

Apple's new chief executive Tim Cook has held talks with officials in China, the US tech giant said Tuesday, the workshop of its products but where its operations have faced difficulties.

Expert: Webcam spy suspect's computer used in chat

(AP) -- A Rutgers University computer system manager told jurors on Tuesday that it appears the computer of a former student accused of using a webcam to spy on his roommate's intimate encounter with another man was used ...

What shields gay youth from suicide

What protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youths from considering suicide and, conversely, what makes them most vulnerable to it?

Record reaction cascade yields cancer drug candidate

( -- New active substances can be produced quickly and efficiently with the help of reaction cascades. Once set in motion, these processes lead to the desired end product via a series of intermediate steps which ...

Robot guards to patrol South Korean prisons

Robot guards with sensors to detect abnormal behaviour will soon begin patrolling South Korean prisons to ease the burden on their human counterparts, researchers said Thursday.

Parent of Taiwan's Foxconn reports profit drop

The parent of Taiwan technology giant Foxconn, which makes iPads and iPhones for Apple, said Monday its third-quarter profit dropped, with analysts pointing to the cost of moving factories in China.

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