Turbulence May Promote the Birth of Massive Stars

(PhysOrg.com) -- On long, dark winter nights, the constellation of Orion the Hunter dominates the sky. Within the Hunter's sword, the Orion Nebula swaddles a cluster of newborn stars called the Trapezium. These stars are ...

See the Southern Ring Nebula in 3D

Planetary nebula are some of nature's most stunning visual displays. The name is confusing since they're the remains of stars, not planets. But that doesn't detract from their status as objects of captivating beauty and intense ...

Young open cluster NGC 602 inspected with ALMA

Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), astronomers have investigated a young open cluster in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), known as NGC 602. Results of the research, presented August 29 on the ...

The rich chemistry around an evolved star

(PhysOrg.com) -- Over 170 molecules have been detected in space, from simple diatomic molecules like CO to complex organic molecules with over 70 atoms, like fullerene.

Intense Star Formation in the Early Universe

(PhysOrg.com) -- Distant galaxies are not only far away in space. Because it takes time for their light to reach us, they are also very far away in time -- snapshots from the distant past.

A new catalog of infrared dark clouds

Infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) are dark patches of cold dust and gas seen in the sky against the bright diffuse infrared glow of warm dust in our galaxy. These IRDCs, massive and rich in molecules, are natural sites for star ...

Image: Giant black hole powers cosmic fountain

Before electrical power became available, water fountains worked by relying on gravity to channel water from a higher elevation to a lower one. This water could then be redirected to shoot out of the fountain and create a ...

SMA reveals giant star cluster in the making

W49A might be one of the best-kept secrets in our galaxy. This star-forming region shines 100 times brighter than the Orion nebula, but is so obscured by dust that very little visible or infrared light escapes.

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