New IR instrument searches for habitable planets

A new instrument to search for potentially habitable/inhabited planets has started operation at the Subaru Telescope. This instrument, IRD (InfraRed Doppler), will look for habitable planets around red dwarf stars. Astronomers ...

Decoding light for clues about dark matter

An international team of researchers is developing an instrument that will decode the light of the night sky to understand the nature of dark matter.

Upgraded MOIRCS instrument achieves better images

MOIRCS, the Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope, has undergone a significant upgrade during 2015. Members of the project team were delighted to achieve first light (the term for the first ...

Discovering dust-obscured active galaxies as they grow

A group of researchers from Ehime University, Princeton University, and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) among others has performed an extensive search for Dust Obscured Galaxies (DOGs) using data obtained ...

Extremely young stellar clump in the distant universe

As part of an observing program carried out with the Subaru Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, a group of researchers from the Service d'Astrophysique- Laboratoire AIM of CEA-IRFU led by Anita Zanella discovered the ...

Automakers expand passenger air bag recalls

Under pressure from U.S. safety regulators, two automakers are expanding recalls or adding them to fix potentially faulty passenger air bags in high-humidity states.

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