Consumer Reports: Best, worst new cars for fuel economy

Although the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) assigns a fuel economy rating to all new vehicles, Consumer Reports magazine conducts its own independent testing. The magazine recently concluded testing on 2011 models ...

Subaru telescope discovers a Rosetta Stone cluster of galaxies

An international team of researchers led by Ichi Tanaka from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) has discovered an aggregate of galaxies undergoing a burst of star formation that may hold the key to understanding ...

Back to the roots of the solar system

( -- Planets form in disks of dust and gas that surround young stars. A look at the birth places means a journey into the past of the earth and its siblings. Now, astronomers have been able to obtain detailed ...

Astronomers identify most distant galaxy cluster

( -- Astronomers have uncovered a burgeoning galactic metropolis, the most distant known in the early universe. This ancient collection of galaxies presumably grew into a modern galaxy cluster similar to the massive ...

Wi-Fi hotspot option for 2011 Subaru Outback

( -- The 2011 Subaru Outback model will include the option of a secure Wi-Fi hotspot to provide Internet access for over 10 users either inside the car or within a range of 45 meters (150 feet) of the vehicle.

A Fresh Look at Jupiter's Great Red Spot

( -- New, ground-breaking thermal images obtained with powerful ground-based telescopes show swirls of warmer air and cooler regions never seen before within Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

Jupiter's Spot Seen Glowing

( -- New ground-breaking thermal images obtained with ESO’s Very Large Telescope and other powerful ground-based telescopes show swirls of warmer air and cooler regions never seen before within Jupiter’s Great ...

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