DrivingStyles, save fuel by driving better

The Group of Computer Networks-DISCA of the Universitat Politècnica de València has developed a mobile phone application called DrivingStyles that characterizes our driving style. The system detects bad habits and helps ...

Better student preparation needed for university maths: UK study

Moving from sixth form, or college, into higher education (HE) can be a challenge for many students, especially those who start mathematically demanding courses. Life prior to university focuses on achieving maximum examination ...

Age is no barrier in the workplace

(Phys.org) -- Older managers bring as much value to an organisation as their younger counterparts, according to new research.

Could the Internet spell the end of snow days?

(AP) -- Could the Internet mean the end of snow days? Some schools think so, and they are experimenting with ways for students to do lessons online during bad weather, potentially allowing classes to go on during even the ...

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