What can slime mold teach us about the universe?

What can slime molds tell us about the large-scale structure of the universe and the evolution of galaxies? These things might seem incongruous, yet both are part of nature, and Earthly slime molds seem to have something ...

Online menus could prompt people to make healthier choices

New research has found even modest interventions, such as encouraging consumers to reflect on their choices before they submit their order, could reduce the emissions associated with the production of their food by more than ...

How collective memories fuel conflicts

When a group of youths attacked shops and buildings in Tallinn, Estonia, on the evening of April 26, 2007, it sparked two days of civil unrest. This resulted in the death of a young man, injuries to 100 people, including ...

Nudging donors toward more effective giving

Americans are generous when it comes to charitable giving, donating more than $480 billion in 2021 (or roughly 2% of GDP). Yet very few of those dollars reflect so-called effective giving, a term for donations that make greater ...

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