How literature teachers can create anti-racist classrooms

Many schools say anti-racism and equity initiatives matter for quality education, yet specific plans are often wanting. In 2023, the not-for-profit organization People for Education reported that 73% of schools included anti-racism ...

New research highlights importance of equity in education

A new study looks at the impact of learning environments on the academic success of racialized students. Compared to their peers, these students feel they have less control in their academic environment, less confidence and ...

Dissecting the anatomy of a 'superheroic' science class

What do superheroes Deadpool and Elastigirl have in common? Each was used in a college anatomy class to add relevance to course discussions—Deadpool to illustrate tissue repair, and Elastigirl, aka Mrs. Incredible, as an ...

Creating communities with blended learning

Linlin Pei, together with her supervisors Cindy Poortman, Kim Schildkamp and Nieck Benes studied three blended learning courses at the University of Twente to find the main factors that contribute to or limit the sense of ...

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