Q&A: Is hopelessness a US public health crisis?

How can the world's wealthiest country be so poor in hope? It's a question that a University of Maryland economist is asking about the United States, where unprecedented levels of despair have manifested in a national mental ...

Too many school students are over-confident

Many recent, large-scale and international studies confirm that there are things outside of a child's natural intelligence that affect their academic performance.

Challenging negative stereotypes to narrow the achievement gap

Negative stereotypes can work in subtle but powerful ways to sap confidence in the classroom. Girls and minorities may fear that a bad grade will confirm negative stereotypes about their intelligence, creating added stress ...

Depression, anxiety, loneliness are peaking in college students

A survey by a Boston University researcher of nearly 33,000 college students across the country reveals the prevalence of depression and anxiety in young people continues to increase, now reaching its highest levels, a sign ...

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