Cloud-based AI helps to reduce river pollution

A cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) system designed to detect blockages in sewers has shown an almost 90% accuracy rate in a recent trial. Early identification of sewer blockages is essential to reduce pollution incidents ...

Material may offer cheaper alternative to smart windows

If you've ever blown up a balloon or pulled at a pair of pantyhose, you may have noticed that the more the material stretches, the more transparent it becomes. It's a simple enough observation: the thinner a material, the ...

Self-folding structure could slash energy use in buildings

Princeton student Denisa Buzatu's vision for an environmentally sustainable building is a sort of shape-shifting origami façade. For her senior thesis, Buzatu, a civil and environmental engineering major, is designing and ...

Nano compartments may aid drug delivery, fuel cell design

( —In a scientific two-for-one deal, Cornell researchers have created compartment nanoparticles that may carry two or more different drugs to the same target. Meanwhile, the same technology gets applied to fuel ...

Programmable DNA scissors found for bacterial immune system

( -- Genetic engineers and genomics researchers should welcome the news from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) where an international team of scientists has discovered a new and possibly more ...

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