Using uranium to create order from disorder

ANSTO's unique landmark infrastructure has been used to study uranium, the keystone to the nuclear fuel cycle. The advanced instruments at the Australian Synchrotron and the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering have ...

New light shed on the people who built Stonehenge

Despite over a century of intense study, we still know very little about the people buried at Stonehenge or how they came to be there. Now, a new University of Oxford research collaboration, published in Scientific Reports ...

Weird superconductor leads double life

Until about 50 years ago, all known superconductors were metals. This made sense, because metals have the largest number of loosely bound "carrier" electrons that are free to pair up and flow as electrical current with no ...

Lifespan of fuel cells maximized using small amount of metals

Fuel cells are a key future energy technology emerging as eco-friendly and renewable energy sources. In particular, solid oxide fuel cells composed of ceramic materials can directly convert fuels such as biomass, LNG, and ...

New discovery helps authorities pinpoint origin of heroin

Researchers at Florida International University's International Forensic Research Institute (IFRI) have zeroed in on a unique component of heroin that could pinpoint where it was grown, giving authorities a new tool to potentially ...

Emergency method for measuring strontium levels in milk

In a recently published study, UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country's Nuclear and Radiological Safety research group has tested the viability of a method proposed by the International Atomic Energy Agency to measure radioactive ...

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