Examining emotional intelligence in the context of virtual teams

Research from a team in India published in the International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management looks at the notion of "emotional intelligence" in the context of virtual teams. While it demonstrates an obvious ...

Study reveals mystery of Paleozoic ostracod evolution

Ostracoda is one of the most widespread and diverse groups of crustaceans since the Early Ordovician. The subclass Podocopa are the most abundant ostracods during the Palaeozoic. However, its origin, evolution, ontogeny and ...

Microbes are 'active engineers' in Earth's rock-to-life cycle

The name "critical zone" may give off 1980s action thriller vibes, but it's the term scientists use to refer to the area of Earth's land surface responsible for sustaining life. A relatively small portion of the planetary ...

Study: Brain evolution is linked to competition

In response to a high-competition environment, Trinidadian killifish evolve larger brains, increasing their fitness and survival rates, according to a new study in Ecology Letters by biologists at The University of Texas ...

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