NASA-funded balloon launches to study Sun

On Jan. 18, 2016, the GRIPS balloon team sent their instrument soaring towards the stratosphere above Antarctica, suspended underneath a helium-filled, football-field sized scientific balloon. GRIPS, short for Gamma-Ray Imager/Polarimeter ...

New analysis explains role of defects in metal oxides

Sometimes things that are technically defects, such as imperfections in a material's crystal lattice, can actually produce changes in properties that open up new kinds of useful applications. New research from a team at MIT ...

Improving measurements of the kilogram

Until 2018, the SI unit of mass, the kilogram, was defined as the mass of a real object: the International Prototype Kilogram, kept in a secure facility in the outskirts of Paris. On November 16, 2018, the kilogram was given ...

An electrical change of phase using skyrmions

In a discovery that could have important implications for low-power computer memory, RIKEN researchers have shown that an entire sample can be switched between different magnetic states, or phases, simply by applying an electrical ...

Wannier-Stark localization achieved in polycrystals

Scientists from Paderborn University, the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and the University of Konstanz have succeeded in achieving a rare quantum state. They are the first to have demonstrated Wannier-Stark localization ...

A new dynamic probe of electric forces between molecules

Molecules in water and other polar media are subject to strong electric forces. Such forces originate from their liquid environment, which at ambient temperature undergoes ultrafast structural fluctuations. A new method maps ...

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