New theory for magnetic stripes on Mars

( -- A controversial new theory has been proposed to explain a series of stripes of permanently magnetized minerals containing iron in the Martian crust. The magnetized stripes, which have alternating orientations, ...

Unravelling Earth's magnetic field

ESA's Swarm satellites are seeing fine details in one of the most difficult layers of Earth's magnetic field to unpick – as well as our planet's magnetic history imprinted on Earth's crust.

What's behind the color and pattern of bird feathers?

While it may be true, as the old adage goes, that 'birds of a feather flock together,' what is less certain is how the feathers on those birds come to have their distinct patterns and colorations. Current data suggest that ...

Scientists solve 30-year wheat rust genetics puzzle

Researchers from the University of Sydney, CSIRO, the United Kingdom's John Innes Centre, Limagrain UK and the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) have isolated the first major resistance genes against the detrimental ...

Predators might not be dazzled by stripes

Stripes might not offer protection for animals living in groups, such as zebra, as previously thought, according to research published in Frontiers in Zoology. Humans playing a computer game captured striped targets more ...

Stripes 'play key role' in superconductivity

( -- Fluctuating magnetic stripes could be the cause of the mysterious hourglass-shaped magnetic spectrum found in high temperature superconductors, according to new research.

New microchip card for US purchases in Europe

(AP) -- If you've traveled to Europe recently, you may have had the frustrating experience of being unable to use a U.S.-issued credit card for automated transactions, like renting a bike from a stand on the street, paying ...

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